

5th: What The Hub?! - Performance night! 19:30-20:00

We will invite some emerging artists to showcase their work. There will be theatre, performance, literature, dance and fine arts. Some things will be in English, some in Dutch. We want you to contact us if that is a problem, we can look for a way to come and still have a good night! 

On this night we will also perform ‘The State of the Hub’, in which we share with the audience what our plans, dreams and reflections of the Hub are. We are opening up about the state of the Hub, the state of the artists in Arnhem, and hope to do that with you. 

For this event, we have decided to ask for a RSVP. We really think these emerging artists deserve a full Hub, so we want to ask you to let us know if you want to come so you can reserve a spot. If you can’t come, please let us know so we have a spot to give away. We think it will be a cool night that you certainly don’t want to miss! Follow us on @thehubarnhem to stay in touch. 

27th: Meet me in the Hallway - TBA


21st: As a self-employed person in the cultural sector you have a lot of variety when you work for different clients. The autonomy and freedom you feel can also lead to chaos. You are working on 10 things at the same time, you want to develop as a maker, but at the same time you also have to earn money and you still cannot say no to an additional project. Recognizable? Then it's time for the Time Management crash course! In other words, learning to focus and set priorities!

22th: What The Hub?! - From Ideas to Concepts and Workable Words 19:30-21:30

This event will be about how you can put your artistic ideas to paper in an artistic concept, one that you can use to share your ideas with other people and potential funds. We will reveal more information about the event on @thehubarnhem in the next two weeks, so keep your night free and your eyes on the gram! 

30th: Meet me in the Hallway - Miao Li & TBA


3th: What The Hub?! - Arts & Education: Exploring Creative Pedagogy, Activism, and Arts: Expanding Perspectives for Emerging Artists

In this event, we will delve into the multifaceted world of artistic practice beyond the traditional binary notion of autonomous and applied arts. Drawing inspiration from experiments within arts education and incorporating principles of pedagogy and activism, we will explore how artists can engage with their communities and contexts to create meaningful impact. Through interactive discussions and practical exercises, participants will gain insights into integrating educational perspectives into their artistic journey, fostering connections with diverse audiences, and redefining the role of the artist in society. Whether you’re a student or graduate of visual arts, creative writing, product design, or theater, join us for an collaborative exploration of how art can be a catalyst for social change and collective empowerment.

25th: Meet me in the Hallway - Mirte Engelhard & Miao Li


6th: What The Hub?! - How to sell your art?! 19:30-22:00

19th: How To ZZP - Weten wat je waard bent 19:30-21:30

28th: Meet me in the hallway - collectief knokploeg & Mirte Engelhard 19:30-22:00


7th: What The Hub?! - Working in Community 19:30-22:00

29th: Meet me in the hallway - Julius Thissen & collectief knokploeg 19:30-22:00

These events will all take place at The Hub, Varkensstraat 4, Arnhem. You can find more information about the different kinds of events below!

What the Hub?!

Every first Wednesday of the month we host our regular program at The Hub. Topics range from open calls, connection with the region to the bumps in the road of building an art practice, we come across it all.

In addition to a substantive part, there is always room for conversation and the evening ends with an act or activity.

Meet me in the Hallway

In collaboration with Culture Making Artez, we present:

Meet me in the hallway

Every third Thursday of the month an ArtEZ alumnus from Art & Design will return to the academy where their artistic practices began. For one day they can use the school, create work and interact with students. The week after the residency an artist discussion will take place at The Hub. In this conversation, two alumni will talk about their work and the residency before handing over “the keys of the hallways of ArtEZ”.

How to ZZP

In our “How to ZZP” program we will try to tackle all the difficulties that come along with being a cultural entrepreneur. We talk about hourly rates, taxes, profiling, and many more!